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Highfield Qualifications Course


In order to reduce the risk of threatening or abusive behaviour in the workplace, it is vital to know how to effectively and confidently diffuse such situations. This e-learning is designed to equip your organisation with the skills and confidence required to effectively handle conflict situations.


Target Audience

Ideal for all levels of employees within a business and as part of the induction process for new employees. It can also be used as part of the on-programme element of the new apprenticeship standards and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate
into the workplace.


Course Modules

What is workplace conflict?
Responses to conflict
Cultural differences
Different ego types
Breakdowns in communication
The behavioural cycle
The PEACE model
Conflict with customers
The HEAT technique
Patterns of behaviour
Distance zones
Physical conflict warning and dangerzones
Impact factors
The BAP strategy


Course Duration

20 to 40 minutes


Placing an Order

If you are ordering a single course we will use the details on the order to register you.


If you are ordering the course for someone else it is VITAL that you notify us straight away using our contact us form so that we can register them.


Our contact form can be found at


If you are buying multiple courses for a team please notify us and we will contact you to arrange registration of your team.


When you have been registered you will receive an email with your log in details. Please keep an eye on your spam box.


If you need to discuss your order with us please contact us at 0333 090 4219.

    Managing Conflict Short Course (HQ)

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